Status In progress Contacts +39 0115717777

ERDF 21/27 – R&D: Skills and competencies

Submitted by anna.zampolini on Mon, 03/18/2024 - 16:28

Objective: Strengthening of internal capacities and skills of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises through training paths linked to development and R&D projects

Recipients: Micro, small and medium enterprises, including start ups and industrial spin off.

Eligible initiatives: Training pathways for strengthening skills/capacities provided by qualified training entities, such as universities, research centers, training institutes, and incubators.
The training has to be linked to a Development/Research project and the related training plan.
Amount of proposals: minimum €5,000.00, maximum €70,000.00.
Duration: from 6 up to 24 months (36 in the case of Industrial Doctorate).

Incentive: Non repayble grant: from 60% to 80% depending on the size of the company.

Project focus
Regional Policies and programmes improvement
Funding Programme
European Regional Development Fund ERDF